That part of the refractive error of the eye that causes noticeable blurring of vision at long distances is known as myopia.
In the type of refractive error of myopia, unlike hyperopia, the focal length is reduced relative to the axial length of the eye and images are formed in front of the retina, which causes blurred images on the retina and naturally leads to the sending of unclear images to the brain, as a result of which the person experiences blurred vision.
In the topic of myopia (a person sees close up well and far away poorly)
The process of correcting myopia is carried out using spherical divergent lenses. As mentioned in the section on farsightedness, the degree of myopia determines the thickness of the corrective lens. In high myopia, due to the high thickness of the corrective lenses, several factors must be considered in choosing glasses to result in receiving acceptable glasses.
Now, knowing that the optimal range of vision of our eyes is the distance of 15 cm from the eye to physical infinity, from another perspective, when a person suffers from myopia, his optimal range of vision becomes closer to the eye and he experiences complete lack of clarity in distant distances, but when a person suffers from hyperopia, his optimal range of vision becomes farther away. Therefore, considering the active adaptation of the eye, if his hyperopia is not too high, he will not have a problem seeing near, but in some cases he may even see far away better than people with healthy eyes. For this reason, not very noticeable hyperopias are classified as hidden refractive errors, and this type of refractive error remains hidden until the age of forty, when the eye loses its ability to adapt.
The characteristics of myopia are the smaller size of the pupil and the thinning of the retina compared to the normal eye.
Also, the complications of myopia include blurred vision, headache, fatigue, and eye twitching.
If myopia is diagnosed late and no action is taken to correct it It can lead to loss of 10/10 standard vision quality as well as lazy eye and even higher scores can lead to deviation.
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Mahmoud Jahanban